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Jamespot - Organizational chart
Jamespot - Organizational chart
1 $ / user / month

Organizational chart

Organizational chart offers you the possibility to have an overview of your organisation and all its employees.

About Organizational chart

Organigramme offers you the possibility to have an overview of your organisation and all its employees.


Saving time in the creation of profiles...


Organizational Chart gives you the ability to identify in just a few clicks the employees who are part of your organization and to view information about them. The application is integrated with your Jamespot platform, allowing you to create new user profiles from the profiles of your platform members. The advantage? All the information in the user files (email, position, department...) is already filled in, for maximum time saving !


... as well as in research and sharing !


To further maximize your time, Organizational chart is equipped with a search engine based on a keyword system. Do you need to ask for help from the marketing department? By typing "Marketing" in the search engine, you will have access to the profiles of all members who have the word marketing in their function. Would you also like to use your newly updated organisation chart to communicate internally? The export functionality is just there to help you: just a few clicks and here is your organization chart exported as a PDF or PNG file !



  • Creating an Enterprise Organization chart
  • Application integrated with the Jamespot platform
  • Informations of users files of the plateform pre-filled
  • Integrated search engine
  • PDF and PNG export functionality


*The price mentioned is for platforms from 1 to 500 users. Beyond that : contact us.